Leo Peck

Pottery custom made for FUME’ Bistro & Bar

Leo writes: I think most of us would agree that 2020 has been a crazy year! However, as a local potter it’s been a perfect time to experiment with new designs and glazes. My past portfolio of work includes plenty of large-scale tile projects and tile tables, but I’m happy to be back working with functional pottery. 

Most recently I was commissioned by Terry Letson, owner of Napa’s FUME’  Bistro & Bar, to design and produce over 300 pieces of pottery – including different shaped plates, trays, and coffee cups.  Terry and I collaborated on the designs and he encouraged me to use a variety of my glazes. Having Fume’ support a local artist during this challenging time has been much appreciated and is an example of what makes Napa such a special place to live and work. 

Custom pieces in use at FUME’ Bistro & Bar add character and have been found more durable than commercially available alternatives.

Napa Art Drive Pop Up

As you may know, AANV had to cancel its annual Open Studios in September as a result of the COVID-19 virus restrictions. This plague has also had a devastating affect on the Napa Valley economy, causing many of our citizens to experience financial hardship and food vulnerabilities. A group of artists will be addressing both situations this month. The Napa Art Drive Pop Up will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020, from 10 AM to 5 PM. The entry fees paid by the participating artists will be split between the Napa Food Bank and AANV. If you have the means, you are encouraged to donate to the Napa Food Bank, whether you drop by the Pop Up locations or not.

We would love for you to drive by the locations shown on this map and check out the local artwork for sale or just for viewing. Please wear your mask, as required by county and state rules. We will maintain the required social distancing and have hand sanitizer available at each location. 

Please join us! See you then!

A Statement from AANV Board of Directors

Art Association Napa Valley believes that all individuals deserve to be treated equally and equitably. Our mission is to foster and encourage creative arts. We state clearly and without equivocation that we condemn racism in all its forms: conscious, unconscious, institutional, structural, historic, and continuing.

We are committed to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to promoting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.

Marta Collings on “Green”

Sauvignon Summer
Limited edition Giclee on canvas 48″ x 36″  (original sold) 

The original oil was painted “Plein Aire” near St Helena off Silverado Trail.   I tried to capture the feel of summer in this piece by capturing all the subtle warm and cool greens that are so prevalent in the valley during the summer months.  I hope to convey the feeling of having a cool glass of Sauvignon Blanc while gazing across the vineyards. 

Marlene Haas

Marlene writes, “I became fascinated with the night sky.  This spring I viewed the full moon several consecutive nights.  I covered amazing colors and values of blue gray lit by the moon.  A new painting series was born,  I am now working on the 10th canvas in this series.  Four of the canvases are in the Art Gallery Napa Valley at 1307 First Street, downtown Napa.

Shown Left: Wine Moon, oil, 8″ x 12″

Moonglow, oil, 11″ x14″

John Comisky

Join Artist of the Month September, John Comisky, for his Art in the Library program.  John writes: “There will in fact be pieces of my photography physically hung starting tomorrow, but it is unclear when the Library will again be open.  In place of the usual Reception and Talk, the Library is hosting a Zoom session where I’ll show some of my work, give a talk, and take a few questions.  The good part is that format will open the event to those who want to participate but wouldn’t be able to be there in person.  It will be on September 11, at 6:30 PM PDT.  The Zoom information is below the flier in this message.  Hope to you can attend.”

You are invited to a Zoom webinar
Topic: Art in the Library Art Talk
When: Sep 11, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Please click this link to join the webinar,
or enter the following in your browser:

If you would like a reminder for the Napa County Library Art in the Library program, please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. https://countyofnapa.zoom.us/webinar/tJ0kdO6qpjIiGdCOlO4Zc1YKE7715xnZynJE/ics?icsToken=98tyKuChpzgtGNycuBqDRox5HYjCKOrxiFhHjad-sxPKVxpQMzrdE7UVY-dnHuLJ

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Webinar ID: 999 3728 9834 

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Meeting ID: 999 3728 9834
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