Susan Antonini

Assemblage….is what best fits my work…

I first discovered the shadows on a piece of ceramic work at the DeYoung museum…and one day a neighbor had a garage sale with a box of unused adding machine tape….and the idea struck me!

So when I use adding machine tape or newspaper…I look to see what kind of shadows occur….they vary as the light changes…

The paper is painted before placing on the canvas…

And on occasion …I will add Kosher salt…grout or more paint to achieve the look I’m trying to create.

There is a website link on my about the artist page that shows a demonstration of a paper (assemblage) flag at its creation.

Ann Nunziata

Ann updated on her display at Art Gallery Napa Valley today.  Ann writes, “I decided that I should unify my exhibit to display a single medium.” Ann comments that there is an ongoing debate amongst artists about how best to display ones work.  Some feel a variety of mediums best informs the viewer about the artist, while others maintain that a consistent look and feel is desirable.  The latter is the approach of Open Studios Napa Valley where Ann has participated in recent years, that is when she not been traveling in September.

Marlene Haas Inktober

Marlene writes “
“Bubblegum “ is an ink painting: 14 x 14.   I began this ink series when I  found Zentangles  designs several years ago.   I liked the meditative aspect of repeated designs in Ink and color patterns.   Zentangles and pattern paintings  are part of my creative lexicon.   

 Inktober celebrates creations composed with inks and is highlighted the month of October.

 Bubblegum  is displayed at the Artist of The Valley, 1307 First Street. Napa, CA.

AGNV Artists in Napa PopUp Art Show

Art Gallery Napa Valley artists participating:
Janis Adams
John Comisky
Trish Danby
Bill Mellberg
Sunshine Moeshler
Cary Robnett
Frank Trozzo
Alan Vaughn

Download this map to see participating locations.

As you may know, AANV had to cancel its annual Open Studios in September as a result of the COVID-19 virus restrictions. A group of artists will be participating in a spontaneous event instead.

The Napa Art Drive Pop Up will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2020, from 10 AM to 5 PM. The entry fees paid by the participating artists will be split between the Napa Food Bank and AANV. If you have the means, you are encouraged to donate to the Napa Food Bank, whether you drop by the Pop Up locations or not.

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